Monday, March 19, 2012

RS 5 Americas Enconomic Cotastrophy

This blog post is my outlook on the documentary “Inside the Meltdown” by In February 2009 this documentary was released, which was focused on the economic struggle America put itself into.  The main focus is the meeting between the Federal Reserve and the United States Congress with the reasoning behind the problems and their solutions. The main point of the meeting was to inform everyone in that room that if they did not act now that the financial system of this country will breakdown in a matter of days.

                The problems all began in 2008 when a rumor was being discussed in Bear Sterns as the economy collapsed. There was a fault in the stock market similar to the stock market crash in the 1930’s and the stocks plummeted down. There was a mass effect upon American companies where they were running out of money rapidly and some even on the edge of filing for bankruptcy. Former Chairman of Bear Stearns, Ace Greenberg has been questioned about the market because he was analytically incorrect which were his rumors and hidden files which had cost his company 18 million dollars within a month.  Due to the foreclosures rising in houses the mortgages that Bear Stearns bought and sold to investors began to rapidly decline their value and stock.  Ace can be placed within a guidepost of the eight within economics. He possess the economist value of the guidepost dealing with the test of a theory is the ability to predict because he analyzed the economy and based a prediction off his own theory of the collapse.
Bear Stearns building in New York City

In effect Bear Sterns stocks quickly declined as did the company. The company was falling crumbling within its own hold day by day and they were in a predicament between which paths to take from where they stood as a Wall Street company. They knew that if they went under that other Wall Street businesses would go under with them because all of Wall Street is tied together with money and financials. Knowing so they looked to Obama and the Federal Reserve Bank for a bail out to keep this from happening. As a secondary effect of the Federal Reserve Bank bailout the price of Bear Sterns stock dwindled to two dollars per stock which was unheard of since the business has emerged.

                Furthermore, our nation was in a scare when we realized that any American business even those that were thought never to go under did. It was when Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac stated this and all of America began to panic. The Lehman Brothers was another business to collapse during this financial crisis which was the turning point where it was the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. Next came AIG who did not have money in the bank to support the commitments it made.  The biggest insurance company that did business with almost every bank in the world was now controlled by the government after an 85 million dollar loan.  The plan to end all disaster was a 700 billion dollar proposal to buy the entire toxic mortgage securities that was causing problems for the banks.   The request was passed however the contagion went global.  The U.S. intends to spend trillions of more dollars to protect the financial systems in America. I believe this crisis is going to continue worldwide because the rapid growth of technology and fraud within our own systems will exist.

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