Sunday, March 11, 2012


What is your strongest memory from this class so far

My strongest memory from the class so far was making the xtranormal videos because they were funny and at the same time can understand the concept of economics.

2. What is your strongest memory about an economic concept

If I had to chose a memory other than the xtranormal videos, I would have to say that my strongest memory is the keg stand effect relating the the guide post decisions may have a secondary effect.

3. Why do you think I had you create the xtranormal video

I think that you had use create the video so that one, you can see if we understand the concepts and two, to see how we can put our own twist and get insight about us as people.

4. What was your favorite topic to write a blog post about? Why?

My favoritetopic to write a blog post was when we wrote about the lobbyist because it shows how our government is corrupt and how econimics play a huge role on this.

5. What blog post do you think you did your best work on? What was good about it?

I think I did my best blog post on the one abot Katy Perry because it had a very good looking picture of her and also I tied in economics concepts in my reflection.

6. What about the Engel Indoctrination Program (this class) has made you a better person? Or are you worse? If so, why?

I think that it is a great cl
ass and has made me a better person because he is a great person with good enegy and vibes that make you enjoy his class.

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